Hi, I’m laura
Seasoned executive, life coach, and learning and performance improvement consultant.
What I Do
As a coach, I help accomplished, high-achieving, mid-to-late career professional women transform their uncertainty into calmness, confidence, and clarity so that they can embrace their true selves, figure out and go for what they want, and thrive in life and at work. Most of my clients work in public health and the social sciences.
As a performance improvement consultant, I have over 30 years of experience leading a variety of organizational development projects, developing leaders, conducting and teaching program evaluation, leading complex projects for county, state, and federal government, and for private sector and non-profit organizations.

When I’m not working…
When not guiding others, you will find me reading, creating art, at the beach, outside enjoying the wonders of nature, practicing yoga, writing poetry, blogging, chasing butterflies, on silent meditation retreats, figuring out ways to make the world a better place, or getting horizontal.
My Superpowers
Listening deeply • Asking wildly open-ended questions • Holding a safe space for you
• Facilitating courage-building

Mission & Vision
To enable bold, transformational change, one heart at a time. When working with individuals and organizations, I empower and teach them how to be the change they once only dreamed possible.
Consider me your courage Sherpa when you’re on the long climb to change!

My Six Core Values
I practice honesty in all I do and promise to do the right thing even when it’s hard. I am forthright in my interactions with others. I am the same person wherever I go and when no one is watching. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, listen deeply, and strive to be non-judgmental from my fingertips to my toes. Before anything else, I am human like you, and if I make a mistake, I take responsibility for my part and do my best to make amends. I am reliable; you can count on me to do what I say I will do to the best of my ability. And, I do my best to be kind to and help others.
Being human can be difficult. I have a big heart that I share in service of others. When distress happens—and it always does—I am skilled in helping others find a way through it. I have been to the darkest of dark places in my own life and am uber capable of being present for and helping you through yours. To me, compassion and empathy are soul sisters, and I aspire to bring more of both to the world in every interaction I have.
I speak the truth, as I see and know it, from my heart. Even when I am afraid, I act on my heart’s truth in service of doing my part to create a better world of braver souls. Deep in my bones, I know that sometimes we just need a little help and/or permission to find our courage. Being brave changed everything for me, and it can do the same for you. I am on a mission to create a butterfly effect of bravery in the world, one heart at a time. Consider me your courage Sherpa any day of the week.
The heart is the crucible of our natural intelligence and intuition. And yet, we often find ourselves wondering, “how have I ended up so far from what my heart knows to be true?” With all the compassion, courage, and integrity I can muster, I help you find your way back to who you really are, and your purpose. I guide you to excavate parts that may have been left along the side of the road as you’ve strived for more. I am a heart whisperer.
Asking wildly open-ended questions is one of my superpowers. I create a safe place and spark the desire for you to explore and discover what you may or may not know is holding you back. You’ve heard of the children’s story, Curious George? Well, I am Curious Laura.
A change of perspective can change the course of everything. “How can that be?” you might be wondering. Consider the ways coming up with or recognizing ideas, alternatives, or possibilities have been useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and even entertaining ourselves and others. Being able to see beyond the status quo of ideas, rules, ways of being, and relationships enables us to create new ideas, possibilities, methods, interpretations, ways of thinking, and so on. Creativity enables us to move from our heads to our hearts, where all things become possible.